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Traits fondamentaux de la structure géographique de l'EstonieCABOURET, M.Annales de géographie (Paris). 1990, Vol 99, Num 555, pp 531-563, issn 0003-4010, 33 p.Article

E-Learning ― Brücke zwischen Bibliothek und Universität: Vermittlung von Informationskompetenz an der UB Tartu = E-Learning ― a bridge between library and university. Teaching information literacy at the University of Tartu LibrarySEILER, Vilve; MIIL, Kärt.Bibliothek. 2009, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 69-77, issn 0341-4183, 9 p.Article

Macrozoobenthos of Lake VereviTIMM, Henn; MÖLS, Tonu.Hydrobiologia (The Hague). 2005, Vol 547, pp 185-195, issn 0018-8158, 11 p.Article

Geochemistry of F, Sr, Tr and U in phosphorites of the East baltic phosphorite basinPETERSELL, V.International joint symposium of the IAGC and the AEG. 1991, pp 278-290Conference Paper

Die Estnische Nationalbibliothek als Spiegelbild der estnischen Gesellschaft = The Estonian National Library as image of the Estonian societyVALM, Tiiu.Bibliothek. 2004, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 178-183, issn 0341-4183, 6 p.Article

Formant frequencies in Estonian folk singingROSS, J.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1992, Vol 91, Num 6, pp 3532-3539, issn 0001-4966Article

Staatsbibliothek der Estnischen SSR im neuen Gebäude = State library of the Estonian SSR in new buildingsLEPIK, L.Bibliothekar. 1990, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 40-43, issn 0006-1964Article

Distribution of sediment phosphorus fractions in hypertrophic strongly stratified Lake VereviKISAND, Anu.Hydrobiologia (The Hague). 2005, Vol 547, pp 33-39, issn 0018-8158, 7 p.Article

Application de l'analyse loglinéaire dans l'étude des successions de communautés forestières dans le sud-est de l'EstonieTSOBEL, M. R; TSOBEL, K. R.Botaničeskij žurnal. 1988, Vol 73, Num 9, pp 1349-1357, issn 0006-8136Article

Surrogate Alcohol Drinking in EstoniaPÄRNA, Kersti; LEON, David A.Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2011, Vol 35, Num 8, pp 1454-1457, issn 0145-6008, 4 p.Article

Pharmaceutical Care in Community Pharmacies : Practice and Research in EstoniaVOLMER, Daisy; VENDLA, Kaidi; VETKA, Andre et al.The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2008, Vol 42, Num 7-8, pp 1104-1111, issn 1060-0280, 8 p.Article

Red in Estonian popular belief and folk costumeBARRETT, S; ROPER, J.Optics and laser technology. 2006, Vol 38, Num 4-6, pp 454-457, issn 0030-3992, 4 p.Conference Paper

Tallinn: monolingual from above and multilingual from belowZABRODSKAJA, Anastassia.International journal of the sociology of language. 2014, Num 228, pp 105-130, issn 0165-2516, 26 p.Article

The role of landscape structure in determining palynological and floristic richness = Le rôle de la structure du paysage dans la détermination de la richesse palynologique et floristiqueMELTSOV, Vivika; POSKA, Anneli; REITALU, Triin et al.Vegetation history and archaeobotany. 2013, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 39-49, issn 0939-6314, 11 p.Article

PERFECT REPRESENTATIONS OF SOVIET PLANNED SPACE : Mono-industrial towns in the Soviet Baltic republics in the 1950s-1980s = De parfaites représentations de l'espace planifié soviétique : les villes mono-industrielles dans les républiques baltes soviétiquesCINIS, Andis; DREMAITE, Marija; KALM, Mart et al.Scandinavian journal of history (Trykt utg.). 2008, Vol 33, Num 3, pp 226-246, issn 0346-8755, 21 p.Article

Changes in surface albedo and air temperature at Tartu, EstoniaTOOMING, H.Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography. 1996, Vol 48, Num 5, pp 722-726, issn 0280-6495Conference Paper

Classi sociali e nazionalismo in Finlandia: uno studio comparativo = Social Classes and Nationalism in Finland: a Comparative StudyALAPURO, R; RAGGIO, O.Quaderni storici. 1993, Vol 28, Num 84, pp 745-773, issn 0301-6307Article

Estoniocaulis Obut et Rotsk, 1958 and Rhadinograptus Obut, 1960 are not graptolitesMIERZEJEWSKI, P.Acta palaeontologica Polonica. 1990, Vol 35, Num 3-4, pp 77-81, issn 0567-7920Article

Inoperative provinces, immobile regions and the geography of heterogeneous associations : the case of absent territorial border change in EstoniaSEPP, V.Geografiska annaler. Series B. Human geography. 2012, Vol 94, Num 1, pp 47-63, issn 0435-3684, 17 p.Article

Stability of the dam of Sillamäe nuclear waste depositoryMETS, M; TORN, H.ICEG-III : International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. 1998, pp 925-931, isbn 90-5809-006-XConference Paper

Dependence of surface albedo on snow cover duration and other snow parameters in EstoniaTOOMING, H.Meteorologische Zeitschrift (Stuttgart). 1995, Vol 4, Num 2, pp 62-66, issn 0941-2948Article

Time trends in cancer mortality in Estonia, 1965-1989LEINSALU, M; RAHU, M.International journal of cancer. 1993, Vol 53, Num 6, pp 914-918, issn 0020-7136Article

The national library of EstoniaEENMAA, I.Alexandria (Aldershot). 1991, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 169-178, issn 0955-7490Article

Incidence and prevalence of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes in Estonia in 1988KALITS, I; PODAR, T.Diabetologia (Berlin). 1990, Vol 33, Num 6, pp 346-349, issn 0012-186X, 4 p.Article

NOTES MÉTHODOLOGIQUES À PARTIR D'UNE ÉTUDE DE CAS FENNIQUELEONARD, Jean Léo.Etudes finno-ougriennes. 2012, Vol 44, pp 97-126, issn 0071-2051, 30 p.Article

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